Gothic Canopy Bed


Gothic Canopy Bed

gothic canopy bed

    canopy bed

  • A bed frame with a canopy posted or hanging above. Originally used for protection against insects; today mostly decorative.
  • A canopy bed is a decorative bed somewhat similar to a four poster bed. A typical canopy bed usually features posts at each of the four corners extending four feet high or more above the mattress.
  • A bed supported by four tall posts with a cross members joining the posts that may be used for a supporting a fabric canopy cover, swags, curtains, etc. Find bedroom furniture.


  • characteristic of the style of type commonly used for printing German
  • Of or in the style of architecture prevalent in western Europe in the 12th–16th centuries, characterized by pointed arches, rib vaults, and flying buttresses, together with large windows and elaborate tracery
  • Belonging to or redolent of the Dark Ages; portentously gloomy or horrifying
  • extinct East Germanic language of the ancient Goths; the only surviving record being fragments of a 4th-century translation of the Bible by Bishop Ulfilas
  • Of or relating to the Goths or their extinct East Germanic language, which provides the earliest manuscript evidence of any Germanic language (4th–6th centuries ad)
  • of or relating to the language of the ancient Goths; “the Gothic Bible translation”


8×10 inches – Sold.

Constance (1537 – 1568)
The daughter of a Kessan admiral, her reputation was that of a part-time opium addict and full-time seducer of men of the cloth. It was after her investor husband suddenly collapsed and died street that an inquest was made due his secret ties with the Privy Council and the fact important papers were missing. A search throughout their town home in Kilsa revealed large amounts of bank notes, bonds and even jewels had been sewn into the canopy of her bed: gifts she had collected over the years from priests and Cardinals whom she had bedded. She later stated since she spent half her life on her back, this was the best way to secretly admire her trophies. She died of tuberculosis before fulfilling her new ambition of becoming a nun.

Neuschwanstein interior

Neuschwanstein interior
Ludwig’s bedroom. The bathroom sink to the left has a swan faucet and swans carved into the cabinet. The bed canopy is carved wood in a very intricate gothic style.
gothic canopy bed